Helping kids Discover God's Best for their Lives
Kids today face pressure, stress, and other obstacles like never before. At Discovery Clubs, we give them an opportunity to find answers to their concerns, help for their problems and fun for their afternoon! All of this is done through teaching Biblical principles in fun and exciting ways.
After School Fun

Discovery Clubs are held immediately after school in the Fall and again in the Spring. The children who attend are in grades Kindergarten through sixth. There are around 300 children registered for Clubs, and they are excited to be a part of the fun. We pack about 90 minutes each week with songs, games, crafts, snacks, Bible lessons and more. The children are encouraged to participate, make friends, learn Bible verses, and discover God's purpose for their lives. There's never a dull moment during Club!
Our teachers are volunteers from area churches who give their time to be trained and then run our Clubs. They love children and are dedicated to providing a safe, caring environment where the children can experience God's love. Every worker in the Discovery Clubs has committed to the ministry and submits to a background check. We have a team that works well together and gives 100% to the children.